Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Do Animals See Spirit?

It is pretty common knowledge that animals have a keener sense of awareness when it comes to their surroundings. They pick up on people and other animals energy all the time. They also pick up on those that have transitioned, animal and human. Watch any of the spooky movies and you can see the animals stop dead in their tracks and either hiss or bark at something we do not see. The animals always sense them first. Now with the spooky movies it is always because they have a reaction to something "evil" lurking around. I have yet to see a movie that reflects "good" spirits being recognized by animals because they see them too!

If animals believe in spirits shouldn't we? Why is this concept so hard for us? Most of us who have had animals in the past that have transitioned will sometimes be offered the gift of seeing them here and there from time to time. We may catch them out of the corner of our eye just for a brief second. It brings great peace to us when this happens.

I had a client call me once to say her one pet was acting strange and she wanted to have an animal communication session done to see what was going on with her. They had lost another dog a few months before and the remaining dog spent a lot of time grieving. Now the woman said she was acting strange. She said she would just stare like there was something in the room but of course the woman said there was nothing there. I checked in with the dog and asked her what was going on. She said she wasn't acting strange she was playing with the dog that had passed.

The dog talked about the "dance" she did with the dog that had passed. When I explained what was going on with the dog to the woman I heard dead silence on the other end of the phone. Through her tears she said, " I had forgotten the two of them would always play bow, or "dance" before starting off to play and that was exactly what the dog was doing. They were playing together once again. The woman found much comfort in the message she had received.

Have you ever seen your animals staring off into space or looking like someone is standing there talking with them. There is no reason to be scared of them because spirits are not here to hurt us. We scare ourselves with the stuff we watch on TV. I am more afraid of humans than spirits!

I had a personal experience with this. A few days before Alley Ann was getting ready to transition I would watch her go off in these deep sleeps. Many times I had to check and see if she was still breathing, that was how out of it she was. I knew she was traveling between the two worlds, that of the physical and the spirit worlds. The day she was transitioning she woke up from one of these dead sleeps looking all refreshed. She kept staring in the corner of the room at the ceiling. I knew exactly who was there. It was her previous owner, Deb, who had passed away a year and a half before. I knew Deb would be there for her when she transitioned later that day. For me there was comfort in that knowing.

Three months after her passing Alley returned for a visit. Before she passed she smelled really bad from all that was wrong with her illness wise. It was a very distinctive smell. One night I turned over in bed right to the spot where she used to sleep and I go the biggest whiff of this really bad smell. I knew exactly who it was, Alley. It was her way of saying hi. My other two dogs were on the bed and they were looking at the same spot I was. I just smiled at them and rolled over and went back to sleep knowing she was still there.

So do they see spirit? You betcha! We can too if we allow ourselves. Once again our animals are our teachers.
Happy Trails!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Animals and Color

People always ask, "Can animals see color"? I believe they do. It may not include all the colors we see but they do see colors. Alex the parrot was a great example of this. Not only could he distinguish between colors but he could also distinguish between shapes and numbers. Alex helped to open up the concept that animals are capable of learning our language, comprehending it and speaking it. If you go to You Tube you can find many different videos on Alex and his work with Dr. Irene Pepperberg. Unfortunately Alex passed away in 2007 but his replacement, Griffin, shows that Alex was not unique.

Color is fascinating and it is interesting to see how color affects our world. Colors as we know hold different vibrations. Bright red elicits a different response in us than say a pastel blue color does. Look at the colors you have in your home. Are they earth tones or more vibrant colors? It says a lot about our personality the colors we choose. Just as they affect us so to do they affect our animal companions who live with us. We know the effect of light or lack of it and how it effects the human body. All living things are affected by light and the various colors.

Look at how many animals in the animal kingdom and plants in the plant kingdom have built in color warnings with them. These color warnings are for humans as well as animals. The poison dart frog is a brilliant blue color and possibly one of the most deadliest creatures on the planet. The black widow spider with her two red spots on the back. The scorpion with it's black armour.
Plants are included on the list of deadly colored things to watch for. Berries in the wild may look tasty but many times are poisonous.

Are your animals drawn to certain colors? Are they the same colors you like. I have a friend of mine who has a dog who has the exact same toy only in two different colors. The dog chooses the blue one to carry around in his mouth as opposed to the green one? Exact same toy two different colors, vibrationally he is drawn to that blue. Blue also happens to be his caretakers favorite color.

So take a look at your surroundings. What colors have you wrapped your home, your family and your pets in?

Happy Trails,