As kids growing up in the country, after dinner we would be out in the garden pulling weeds as we each got a lesson on what was growing where and how to maintain a healthy productive garden. Of course there were deer running around the back yard looking to break into the garden for all the bounty that was growing. For most of the summer the dogs would sleep outside as a deterrent for all the wildlife who thought the garden was their private super market. Being out of school and still learning was great! I never thought the things I learned as a child would come in handy today.
With all that is going on on Mother Earth we are being lead back to a simpler time. A time where we were self sufficient. There is no longer any room for those who are seeking to be taken care of. We alone are the ones who will decide what we are to create in these upcoming times.
People seem to know there is a shift coming. Food, energy and gas prices are escalating, resources are running out or being destroyed by man. I actually kind of like going back to a simplier time in life. I just wish my body would cooperate! My mind says I can still do things of a 25 year old and the body says, not so much! But I keep trying.
In the days I spend hours in the garden I put on my Ipod and drift off into another time and place. A place where I can meditate and be one with this good earth. Pulling the weeds I pick up the dirt and smell the aroma of its body. It is soft and sweet, perfect for growing! She gives so much and we take it all with most of us not putting back. One day it will all catch up to us. maybe not in our life time but it will catch up with us as a species. Things have already started with all of the floods, all of the fire and the mass devastation on the planet. It is a time to get back to basics and realize what is really important, family, friends, animals and the abilty to breath freely.
So grab your sunglasses and go outside and just sit inside a garden or go to a plant nursery and just be with the life of the planet and hear the voices of the others we inhabit the earth with, for you see everything on earth does have a voice if we are willing to hear it. Tastte the sweetness of life in the fruits and veggies and give thanks!
Happy Trails!