I have what I consider, the best job in the whole world! Being an Animal Communicator and dealing with the health and well being of animals and their caretakers, I just love my job. Actually to call it a "job" isn't really fair because it is my passion. I know it is what I am here to do. I love animals, all animals, because of who they are and what they teach us. When I am around animals I feel very much at home and at peace.
Addison is pictured here and she is my very young 12 year old Aussie! She said to me as I was thinking about what to write about today that she had the best job in the world. I asked her what that was, even though I already knew, basically she said to she was here to sample all the food that comes into the house. She is the food connoisseur for all of us here and that it is very important that I take her job seriously. Her job is to sample, at least once, everything I bring home, just to make sure it is edible. There is no 5 second rule here either on food. If it hits the floor it's Addison's. The other dogs two have long given up trying to go after anything that has been dropped. As Addison stared at me with those big sparkly eyes she also wanted me to know that I really needed to give up on that "diet food plan" as the food was not as tasty as usual. I had to laugh and agree with her in one sense, but I explained it was for a reason I brought those foods home with me.
I told her I really appreciated the fact that she was the "food police" and that I would try to make a couple better food selections this week just for her. With that conversation ended she curled up in front of the fan to go back to dreaming about the next meal. I swear she thinks about food every minute of everyday, that is how passionate she is about her job. And as you can tell from the photo she is far from a starving dog, she does take her job seriously.
But she did get me thinking about how much do we as humans really love and focus on our passions in life. For her I can tell you it is 24/7. I can picture her as Julia Childs in fur conjuring up and cooking all these wonderful and delicious meals. She would don the apron and chef's hat and just go to town with new creations everyday. She eats, lives and breathes her passion every minute of everyday.
Addison is pictured here and she is my very young 12 year old Aussie! She said to me as I was thinking about what to write about today that she had the best job in the world. I asked her what that was, even though I already knew, basically she said to she was here to sample all the food that comes into the house. She is the food connoisseur for all of us here and that it is very important that I take her job seriously. Her job is to sample, at least once, everything I bring home, just to make sure it is edible. There is no 5 second rule here either on food. If it hits the floor it's Addison's. The other dogs two have long given up trying to go after anything that has been dropped. As Addison stared at me with those big sparkly eyes she also wanted me to know that I really needed to give up on that "diet food plan" as the food was not as tasty as usual. I had to laugh and agree with her in one sense, but I explained it was for a reason I brought those foods home with me.
I told her I really appreciated the fact that she was the "food police" and that I would try to make a couple better food selections this week just for her. With that conversation ended she curled up in front of the fan to go back to dreaming about the next meal. I swear she thinks about food every minute of everyday, that is how passionate she is about her job. And as you can tell from the photo she is far from a starving dog, she does take her job seriously.
But she did get me thinking about how much do we as humans really love and focus on our passions in life. For her I can tell you it is 24/7. I can picture her as Julia Childs in fur conjuring up and cooking all these wonderful and delicious meals. She would don the apron and chef's hat and just go to town with new creations everyday. She eats, lives and breathes her passion every minute of everyday.
I think I do too for the most part. There are those times when I would love to have the focus she does with her purpose in life. There are times when the human side, the side that begins to think too much, that I can get distracted from just being in the moment and being in the passion of my life. That is where my girls help to bring me back to the reality of why I am here. There is much comfort in the fact that I know and feel that passion and let it fill my heart.
What is your pet's passion? How close is it to yours? For me Addison and I share a great love of food. I understand her passion that is why I need to go fix something for the two of us to enjoy as our day begins to come to a close. Don't worry the other two are not left out, it is just that they don't get it about food like Addie and I do.
Happy Trails,
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