In early May of 2004 it became apparent that Alley Ann was facing her final weeks of her long life. Spring was in full bloom and the days were turning warmer. The flowers were popping with their vibrant colors and sweet smells. Alley had been sick with 4 or 5 different diseases and illnesses over the course of time I and my next door neighbor had her. She had been on her medicine for awhile to treat her Cushings Disease and it helped her for a while and then one day she looked at me with those big eyes and she clearly told me that it wasn't working any more and she wanted me to stop giving it to her, so I did.
She was still spunky but was beginning to smell really bad just from all the stuff going on within her body. I still loved her bad smell and all. She would toddle around the house looking for comfortable places to sleep so I had pillows all over the floor along with the wee wee pads. She was house trained but towards the end if she had to go she squatted and went. Lord knows she tried to make it to a wee wee pad and sometimes she was successful and other times not. It was hard to get mad at her when she was so sick.
The final straw came about a week before she passed. I had had some work on the roof done and I was in the process of pulling weeds and stuff around the back deck. I had three dogs surrounding me as I pulled some roots from under one of the back steps. They wanted to make sure they didn't miss any food that might come out from underneath the porch. No sooner had I pulled my hand out with this big root than Alley's head flew in there and out she popped with a big old rat in her mouth. I was floored! First off, my hand was there 5 seconds before she pulled it out and she also didn't have that many teeth left in her head so I was surprised she could hold it in her mouth. She was so proud of herself prancing around the back yard with it. She slowly gummed the thing to death and I finally got it away from her and threw it away. You could almost see that smile on her face, as if to say "I still got it"!
That final week we spent as much time together as we could. I ended up taking a few days off from work just to be with her. On her final day here on the planet it was perfect. I had a few friends over and they took care of my other girls as I held Alley as she transitioned. It was one of the most peaceful things I have ever seen or had been a part of. The following week was such a blur as I had been taking care of her pretty much 24/7 and now I had all this time on my hands. I didn't know what to do with myself.
I would find myself looking for her to pop in and check on things but I never did see her in those first few weeks. There was nothing and then about 4 months after she had passed I was laying in bed one night and I rolled over. I got the biggest whiff of bad dog smell I knew exactly who it was. I felt her presence and I began to cry as I had missed her so much. I was still in that dream like state and I remember feeling her there and her saying to me that she had to go so I could now go do the work I was supposed to. At the time I wasn't sure what she was trying to tell me, but I understand now. It was time for me to leave corporate and move into my life's purpose, working with animals and their people. She truly is my inspiration and always will be. I am so grateful she came into my life!
I would find myself looking for her to pop in and check on things but I never did see her in those first few weeks. There was nothing and then about 4 months after she had passed I was laying in bed one night and I rolled over. I got the biggest whiff of bad dog smell I knew exactly who it was. I felt her presence and I began to cry as I had missed her so much. I was still in that dream like state and I remember feeling her there and her saying to me that she had to go so I could now go do the work I was supposed to. At the time I wasn't sure what she was trying to tell me, but I understand now. It was time for me to leave corporate and move into my life's purpose, working with animals and their people. She truly is my inspiration and always will be. I am so grateful she came into my life!
So the signs come when we least expect them but know that they do come. It is just not as we imagine.
Happy Trails,
Happy Trails,