Thursday, September 17, 2009

Puff The Magic Dragon

We have lost so many people in the entertainment field this year! I was saddened to hear today that Mary Travers from Peter, Paul and Mary had transitioned. Their music was such a part of my life as I was growing up and I loved all of it. It defined a time in the world when activism through music was popular. Their style of folk music spoke to a generation seeking to be different from the previous generation. It was a time questioning authority, seeking answers within and looking for peace not just at home but globally. Fifty years later their songs are still sung and listened to. Clips of their many hit songs are being played on all the news outlets today. No doubt there will be thousands of You Tube hits for the groups music today.

One of their songs, Puff The Magic Dragon, talks about that innocence lost. Being children we believe in magic, we believe in all those things, as adults, we no longer think possible. Puff and Jackie Paper played and enjoyed those childhood times together until one day Jackie no longer came as he had become an adult who no longer needed Puff. Or so he thought.

There is much to be said about innocence. Everything aways seems new and exciting. To me it keeps you open to the magic of life and to the wonderment that exists around us like when we are children. Who didn't believe in dragons growing up or that toys at night came alive to have their own time together?

Like Puff animals reflect that innocence of life. Watch children or animals who are still in the innocence stage of being. I know for me it brings me back to the reality that each new day is magic and full of possibilities. I know with my dogs it is a day of possibly going for a ride to a new place or meeting new dogs. What possibilities are in your life today? We all still need a Puff the Magic Dragon in or lives. How boring life would be if the possibility of them didn't exist.

May you rest in peace Mary!

Happy Trails,

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