Seems that today Pam Anderson is really disappointed with Janet Jackson these days. Personally I say "You Go Pam Anderson"! Seems that Janet, who by all accounts used to agree with the no wearing of fur thing, has changed her mind, for money. Janet has teamed up with BlackGlama to model the brand's new mink collection. I would have thought with all of the pro animal work and consciousness that her brother Michael brought to the planet Janet would have gotten the message. The wearing and supporting the fur industry is just not cool. Pam is a huge supporter of PETA and their message. Now I do not totally support PETA and some of the things they do but I do support the humane treatment of animals, all animals.
There are so many other ways to obtain and wear "fur" these days. It brings me back to the point of a mantra we hear all the time now, "we are all one". When people say that rarely are they including the rest of the planet in that "oneness. People, by nature, think about people when they consider being one with all. But let us not forget those who have provided for us for as long as we have been on the planet. I am talking about not only animals but also of the plant and mineral kingdoms. They too have a life force to them. To include all of them along with ourselves is to be "one with all".
One can only hope that Janet can come to her senses and decide against hawking the wares of BlackGlama. Janet, surely it can't be for the money, you should be set for the next three lifetimes! Sending you lots of love and hopefully Michael will catch your ear about the animals.
The animals could use your support.
Happy Trails,
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