It is amazing how much time passes and you get caught up in the craziness of life! A lot has happened since my last post and feeling inspired to write again! The winter here in Maryland was insane with all the snow we had and we moved into a wet spring to now what is one of the hottest summers on record. Through it all the animals have endured just as we have. Seeing as we are having one of our hottest summers I thought I would post one of those winter pics just to remind us of what we left behind. Over three feet of snow and no place to go!
I know my dogs had a great time in the snow except that Maggie, my blue merle Aussie, just HAD to go in her usual spot and was getting very upset we could get to the area which was covered with blown snow. They were troopers through the whole thing though. Now we are into the summer and wishing there was just a little snow around to roll in. This is not their favorite time of year at all. My little Lhasa doesn't seem to mind, any weather is fine with her as long as she can hang out with her big sisters.
Moving forward and refocusing again on the thing I am most passionate about, animals. As an Animal Communciator I am looking forward to sharing more stories about the animals and the people who care for them. I hope you will join me on this blog as I discuss these spiritual beings we share the planet with, bring you the newest information on health and wellness through nutrition, alternative animal care and messages and view points from the animals. Many new and exciting things are coming up and would be glad to have you along for the ride!
Happy Trails,
Happy Trails,
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