Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Do Animals See Spirit?

It is pretty common knowledge that animals have a keener sense of awareness when it comes to their surroundings. They pick up on people and other animals energy all the time. They also pick up on those that have transitioned, animal and human. Watch any of the spooky movies and you can see the animals stop dead in their tracks and either hiss or bark at something we do not see. The animals always sense them first. Now with the spooky movies it is always because they have a reaction to something "evil" lurking around. I have yet to see a movie that reflects "good" spirits being recognized by animals because they see them too!

If animals believe in spirits shouldn't we? Why is this concept so hard for us? Most of us who have had animals in the past that have transitioned will sometimes be offered the gift of seeing them here and there from time to time. We may catch them out of the corner of our eye just for a brief second. It brings great peace to us when this happens.

I had a client call me once to say her one pet was acting strange and she wanted to have an animal communication session done to see what was going on with her. They had lost another dog a few months before and the remaining dog spent a lot of time grieving. Now the woman said she was acting strange. She said she would just stare like there was something in the room but of course the woman said there was nothing there. I checked in with the dog and asked her what was going on. She said she wasn't acting strange she was playing with the dog that had passed.

The dog talked about the "dance" she did with the dog that had passed. When I explained what was going on with the dog to the woman I heard dead silence on the other end of the phone. Through her tears she said, " I had forgotten the two of them would always play bow, or "dance" before starting off to play and that was exactly what the dog was doing. They were playing together once again. The woman found much comfort in the message she had received.

Have you ever seen your animals staring off into space or looking like someone is standing there talking with them. There is no reason to be scared of them because spirits are not here to hurt us. We scare ourselves with the stuff we watch on TV. I am more afraid of humans than spirits!

I had a personal experience with this. A few days before Alley Ann was getting ready to transition I would watch her go off in these deep sleeps. Many times I had to check and see if she was still breathing, that was how out of it she was. I knew she was traveling between the two worlds, that of the physical and the spirit worlds. The day she was transitioning she woke up from one of these dead sleeps looking all refreshed. She kept staring in the corner of the room at the ceiling. I knew exactly who was there. It was her previous owner, Deb, who had passed away a year and a half before. I knew Deb would be there for her when she transitioned later that day. For me there was comfort in that knowing.

Three months after her passing Alley returned for a visit. Before she passed she smelled really bad from all that was wrong with her illness wise. It was a very distinctive smell. One night I turned over in bed right to the spot where she used to sleep and I go the biggest whiff of this really bad smell. I knew exactly who it was, Alley. It was her way of saying hi. My other two dogs were on the bed and they were looking at the same spot I was. I just smiled at them and rolled over and went back to sleep knowing she was still there.

So do they see spirit? You betcha! We can too if we allow ourselves. Once again our animals are our teachers.
Happy Trails!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Animals and Color

People always ask, "Can animals see color"? I believe they do. It may not include all the colors we see but they do see colors. Alex the parrot was a great example of this. Not only could he distinguish between colors but he could also distinguish between shapes and numbers. Alex helped to open up the concept that animals are capable of learning our language, comprehending it and speaking it. If you go to You Tube you can find many different videos on Alex and his work with Dr. Irene Pepperberg. Unfortunately Alex passed away in 2007 but his replacement, Griffin, shows that Alex was not unique.

Color is fascinating and it is interesting to see how color affects our world. Colors as we know hold different vibrations. Bright red elicits a different response in us than say a pastel blue color does. Look at the colors you have in your home. Are they earth tones or more vibrant colors? It says a lot about our personality the colors we choose. Just as they affect us so to do they affect our animal companions who live with us. We know the effect of light or lack of it and how it effects the human body. All living things are affected by light and the various colors.

Look at how many animals in the animal kingdom and plants in the plant kingdom have built in color warnings with them. These color warnings are for humans as well as animals. The poison dart frog is a brilliant blue color and possibly one of the most deadliest creatures on the planet. The black widow spider with her two red spots on the back. The scorpion with it's black armour.
Plants are included on the list of deadly colored things to watch for. Berries in the wild may look tasty but many times are poisonous.

Are your animals drawn to certain colors? Are they the same colors you like. I have a friend of mine who has a dog who has the exact same toy only in two different colors. The dog chooses the blue one to carry around in his mouth as opposed to the green one? Exact same toy two different colors, vibrationally he is drawn to that blue. Blue also happens to be his caretakers favorite color.

So take a look at your surroundings. What colors have you wrapped your home, your family and your pets in?

Happy Trails,

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Where Does the Time Go?

It seems like yesterday I had Addison come into my life. A year later Maggie showed up. Both Aussie's but each very different. Addison my food obsessed girl and Maggie my intuitive. They have been through thick and thin with me. They each have a special place in my heart.

They grew up together, each taking turns at being alpha dog. It depended on the day who would take over. Addison really didn't want the job most of the time and Maggie seem to relish the idea of getting things over on Addison. Addison did very well with her crate training when she was a puppy, Maggie was the complete opposite. Addison waiting until I came home from work and pretty much didn't chew on a thing in the house. Maggie I figured chewed through about $4000 worth of stuff when she was little. She needed to be challenged and if I wasn't there to do it she would find something to get into. She on the other hand did not do well with crate training. When I would go off to work I could stand outside and hear her thrashing about in her crate. Confinement didn't sit well with her so eventually I gave up and just let her stay outside the crate with Addie.

I remember one day I came home from work and there she was sitting off in the living room. Normally her and Addie would greet me at the door unless one of them had gotten into something. This one day Maggie didn't greet me so I knew something was up. I walked through the whole house and everything was all in order. As I peaked into the kitchen where the dog door was I could see there was a pillow stuck in the dog door. Maggie had been hard at work trying to get the pillow out the door. Ahh but her work did not stop there! As I opened the door to pull the pillow out there in the back yard was some of the laundry. There were bras and underwear all over the back yard. I had to stop and laugh as I was out in the yard picking all the clothes up just knowing the neighbors were probably staring out the windows watching me.

Maggie explained to me she thought it would be a good game to see how much stuff she could get outside but then she got stuck inside when the pillow wouldn't go through the dog door. Then when she heard me come home she was thinking maybe that wasn't such a good game to play with me. But all was forgiven and peace was restored to the household.

Now as I sit here typing they are all laying at my feet. Addison and Maggie both have cancer now, Maggie's is growing extremely fast and there really isn't a whole lot to do except keep her comfortable. We had discussed the possibility of treatments but she is not willing to do anything "heroic", so we do what we can. Addie is 12 years old and Maggie is 11 years old. Far too young in my book to be going anywhere but the choice is not up to me. I just don't know where the time went with both of them. They have been through so much with me and my crazy life, but I know they wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

So for now we enjoy each day as it comes as I know the time grows nearer. The spirit is still strong, it is the body that is weak. So much to learn from them about dignity and dying. They are my heart.

Happy Trails,

Where Does the Time Go?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Silence = Clarity

There is much to be said about silence. People all over the world search for answers that are outside of them when really the answers are inside if they just are silent and listen. When I teach my animal communication class people always say they can't quite the chatter in their heads. So much "stuff" clutters our minds everyday. It is in the silence though that we are able to be in touch with God, Source or whatever your belief is, to truly "hear" what is being said to us by the animals. They have such amazing messages if we would just listen.

Our world has become so disconnected from everything, including each other. It does feel however that we are beginning to move in a direction where we are recognizing bigger is not better and more is not the way to go. Minimizing and simplicity are becoming the norm as we begin to realize we can do without so much. Animals are minimalist in a way. They don't require much and are happy with what they have.

I taught my Animal Totem workshop over the weekend and it was so great to see people begin to connect with their animal guides and begin to understand how to work with them. They are the teachers if we let them teach and we become the student.

My teachers are conked out at my feet right now. Tomorrow morning we will begin our lessons all over again. It is in that silence of the morning and end of the day that we all share that special quiet time together. What a great way to start and end a day!

Happy Trails,

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Impossible Communication?

People are often amazed when I tell them I talk with animals. They think that is the coolest thing and wished they could do it too. I tell them they can and most times already do. It is just a matter of understanding their language of telepathy. People can understand those silent thoughts that may pass between human and animal.

It is when I start talking about how I also talk with trees, rocks, water or the wind that they think I have gone off the deep end. I haven't, it is just that there is so much to hear and feel everyday and as humans we really are so walled off to everything I am amazed that we hear or feel anything at all. During the course of our day we may let slivers of things in but it is only that which we comprehend we allow in. Anything that might be out of the ordinary has no place in our logical minds.

I remember being at one of the workshops in late October I took at Spring Farm CARES in upstate New York. We had to do an exercise where we were to go out and just "be" with nature. If there were any messages we heard we were to bring them back and share them with the class. That whole week end it had rained and the ground was saturated. I began my trek across the road to the 100 acre field and forest. My boots kept sinking in the mud and the coat I had on didn't shield me too well from the cold rain. I followed a well worn path through the field of wild flowers to the woods. As I moved down the path through the woods I came upon a group of trees, they looked as if they were standing together as a family. There were a couple big ones and then a lot of little ones standing around them. I moved to the center of the trees and closed my eyes and was still. I could feel them as they embraced me and I felt the love coming from each one of them. I forgot about the rain, how cold I was or even how far my shoes had sunk into the mud. I was just standing there "being" just like the trees. I got lost in the moment.

It was in that quiet that I heard the rocks near by and the creek that was on the other side of the trees. Everything was alive and living and breathing just as I was. I was grateful to have that experience. Spring Farm is such a magical place to me, I recommend people go there and experience the animals and the land when ever they can.

When is the last time you were quiet enough to hear Mother Earth and her inhabitants? Breath with her and feel the magic of life and the wonder of being alive. Your animals do, why do you?

Happy Trails!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Broken Hearted

Yesterday started off as a great day! Unfortunately it didn't last. Now I can usually stay positive in almost any situation but this was a tough one for me. I had gone over to an old clients house to pick up some fresh eggs. Her and her husband rent from a guy who actually owns the farm they have the chickens, horses and peacocks on. I had worked with this woman and her older dog just before the dog passed which is how I knew she sold eggs. I will say these have to be some of the best tasting eggs around, so much better than store bought. It has been raining here in Maryland the past 3 or 4 days and the ground is soaked and it is just raw out. It feels more like the end of November not the middle of October.

There is a very large area around the main house that is fenced in and as I went through the gate and approached the house this adorable little German Shepard puppy comes bounding across the lawn. I thought for sure her and her husband had acquired a new puppy. The poor little thing was soaked. I figured they must have a dog door somewhere where the puppy can get in and out. The puppy followed me to the basement apartment door and tried to push her way into the apartment. For a moment I was confused. The woman was saying to the dog that it couldn't come in and pushed it back out into the cold and rain. I could tell she was very upset and asked her what was going on. She said the guy who owns the property just got the puppy and that he was training it to be an outdoor dog. The poor little thing is just 15 weeks old. I thought OK so on my way out I will just knock on his door to let him know the puppy wants to go inside. She said no he was training the puppy to be an year round out door dog and was not open to suggestion about how to raise HIS dog!

The woman has tried to talk to him about the situation but to no avail. She said the first few days the puppy was there at the farm he had the dog tied to a tree so it would learn to go to the bathroom outside. Now it was free to roam around the fenced in property. That may be well and good in nice weather but it was 40 something degrees with cold rain coming down. She was going to try and put some blankets out on the open covered porch for the puppy to at least have some place warm to go to. My heart just broke for this little one. I gathered up my eggs and headed back across the lawn to my car which was on the other side of the fence. The rain was coming down a little harder now. I looked down and saw the puppy right at my heals. She kept trying to trip me up as I got to the fence I too had to tell her to stay, that she couldn't come with me. As I looked over fence she sat right there and we made eye contact.

It's times like these that I don't want to be an animal communicator. She looked at me and all I heard was why am I here? Why doesn't anyone want to play with me? Why can't I go inside where it is safe and warm? With all of these questions coming to me I tried to explain why she had to stay for right now. I also told her I was leaving her with angels to watch over her. Her eyes were pleading with me to take her with me. Needless to say I left crying all the way home. Why get a pet if all you are going to do is leave it outside in the elements to fend for itself? Don't you want the bond with this being? I know a friend of mine has the puppy's brother and the brothers situation is the complete opposite. He is well cared for, safe, warm and very much loved! He has a "home", his sister has the opposite.

I am not passing judgement here and I pray that things work out for this little one. But I wonder where is this man's compassion for another living being? I try to see the bigger picture here but it gets clouded with tears for this little soul. As I drove away I saw the puppy back on the porch pressed up against the door just hoping it will open. This is an event that will stay with me for a long time and because I get eggs from this woman all the time I will keep up with what is going on with this little one. In the meantime I ask that all the angels keep her safe and warm and I pray this man realizes he has a life he is responsible for.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Beau's Message

I don't know where the time goes sometimes. It seems like I blogged not too long ago and it's really been over a week. Whew! I knew I had to blog today when several things came together through spirit. It never ceases to amaze me how spirit works!

A woman who I had taken spiritual classes with a few years ago out of the blue emails me last night to say that there was a video I might want to watch. It is called "Baxter the Therapy Dog". If you go to You Tube and type that in it will come up. It is am amazing video of a 19 year old dog that was still in good health but unable to walk so he was transported around in a wagon. The wagon was loaded with pillows to make him very comfortable as he made his rounds as a therapy dog. He would visit Hospice patients in his wagon being pulled by his caretaker. It was very moving to witness this event. I hope you will take the time to watch it.

The dog in the video brought back to mind a dog that looked very much like Baxter the Therapy Dog. His name was Beau and I would do massage and Healing Touch for Animals for him once a month at the Doggie Day Care he was staying at. I know how much he and his Mom were bonded together and he certainly was her little man! Beau had been sick when I was working with him and I had lost touch with him and his caretaker. Seeing Baxter brought Beau back to my mind. It was funny because two days before I had an image of Beau pop in my head I knew I should probably get in touch Beau's owner to see how he was doing. The video just reinforced the thought of getting in touch with her.

When I got home this evening from work I had received an email from Beau's Mom saying that Beau had transitioned in May and that she was having a really tough time with his loss. The void for her, as it is for many of us, is a huge black hole that just makes us feel so lonely and alone. He was her rock and she was not afraid to admit that. Now with him gone the world seemed a little less secure.

So in the course of a few days I had three messages from spirit about Beau. Beau's Mom and I will talk next week and no doubt reminisce about who this very special little man was. In the mean time I will send Beau's Mom nothing but prayers during this very painful time. So I got Beau's message and to him I send lots of love!

Happy Trails,

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Visit

In early May of 2004 it became apparent that Alley Ann was facing her final weeks of her long life. Spring was in full bloom and the days were turning warmer. The flowers were popping with their vibrant colors and sweet smells. Alley had been sick with 4 or 5 different diseases and illnesses over the course of time I and my next door neighbor had her. She had been on her medicine for awhile to treat her Cushings Disease and it helped her for a while and then one day she looked at me with those big eyes and she clearly told me that it wasn't working any more and she wanted me to stop giving it to her, so I did.
She was still spunky but was beginning to smell really bad just from all the stuff going on within her body. I still loved her bad smell and all. She would toddle around the house looking for comfortable places to sleep so I had pillows all over the floor along with the wee wee pads. She was house trained but towards the end if she had to go she squatted and went. Lord knows she tried to make it to a wee wee pad and sometimes she was successful and other times not. It was hard to get mad at her when she was so sick.
The final straw came about a week before she passed. I had had some work on the roof done and I was in the process of pulling weeds and stuff around the back deck. I had three dogs surrounding me as I pulled some roots from under one of the back steps. They wanted to make sure they didn't miss any food that might come out from underneath the porch. No sooner had I pulled my hand out with this big root than Alley's head flew in there and out she popped with a big old rat in her mouth. I was floored! First off, my hand was there 5 seconds before she pulled it out and she also didn't have that many teeth left in her head so I was surprised she could hold it in her mouth. She was so proud of herself prancing around the back yard with it. She slowly gummed the thing to death and I finally got it away from her and threw it away. You could almost see that smile on her face, as if to say "I still got it"!
That final week we spent as much time together as we could. I ended up taking a few days off from work just to be with her. On her final day here on the planet it was perfect. I had a few friends over and they took care of my other girls as I held Alley as she transitioned. It was one of the most peaceful things I have ever seen or had been a part of. The following week was such a blur as I had been taking care of her pretty much 24/7 and now I had all this time on my hands. I didn't know what to do with myself.

I would find myself looking for her to pop in and check on things but I never did see her in those first few weeks. There was nothing and then about 4 months after she had passed I was laying in bed one night and I rolled over. I got the biggest whiff of bad dog smell I knew exactly who it was. I felt her presence and I began to cry as I had missed her so much. I was still in that dream like state and I remember feeling her there and her saying to me that she had to go so I could now go do the work I was supposed to. At the time I wasn't sure what she was trying to tell me, but I understand now. It was time for me to leave corporate and move into my life's purpose, working with animals and their people. She truly is my inspiration and always will be. I am so grateful she came into my life!
So the signs come when we least expect them but know that they do come. It is just not as we imagine.

Happy Trails,

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What's in a Name?

Everything has an energy to it. Sounds, words, colors, people, animals, basically everything! You know when you meet someone and you say, "They just don't look like a (insert name), they look more like a (insert name). Their name just doesn't match who they are. Well the same thing goes for our animals. Many of us who adopt pets often times do not know their original name or even if we do it may not fit them. So we begin to go through a litany of names hoping to get a response from the animal as to what they would like to be called. If you don't believe me ask anyone who has adopted a pet and wanted to rename them. The name has to "fit"

Be careful of what you name them because they will take on the energy of that word. I have known Chihuahua's named "Killer" that would take your ankle out in a heartbeat! Or how about the Great Dane that has a name of "Tiny". The dog thinks of him self as a small lap dog type pet and can't figure out why he can't fit in small places or why no one will allow him on their lap. Names have energy! If someone says the name Hitler, all sorts of images and emotions are attached to that name. People naming their animals "Chaos" should be prepared for a lot of crazy energy, or calling a dog "Digger" just invites major holes being dug in your backyard.

We may name our pets one name but then call them a nickname. So if your pet has a nickname like "trouble" or "bad dog" or "goofy ball"guess what, more than likely that is the behavior you will get. It is no different than a child having a name and yet they are called a nickname. That nickname is often associated with a behavior or even an animal. Take a look at Tiger Woods and his name. His real name is Eldrick Tont Woods. Do you think he lives up to his nickname of "Tiger"? Watch this man play golf and you will see that it matches perfectly. That name for him just "feels" right.

The next time you have an animal that you are adopting ask them what they would like to be called and then just "listen" for the name. They will tell you. It may take a few times for you to get it but it will come and when it does it will be like a light bulb going off in your head. Look for that reaction to the words or names you are suggesting. Does the animal look like something else? Is there a personality name that would better suit them? Why did you name you pet what you did? Do they really like it?

It is interesting how all of this connects to the energy of just one word. Now I will say there was one little foster girl I had and she insisted on two names, so that is what I gave her. She was such a hot little number, all I can remember is that I kept getting the image of Mae West in my head. Take notice of those images because more often than not your animal is sending you the name or image they want to be called. Have fun with it as you and your animal companion choose the name that is best for them.

Happy Trails,

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pets Take To The Air

More good news! I saw an article today about "Pilots and Paws" trying to fly 5,000 animals to no-kill shelters across the United States. What a great idea! They are looking for pilots willing to donate time and planes to help fly these lucky animals to freedom and an opportunity to a new start on life. With over 4 million animals being put to sleep every year this will give at least some of them a chance to reach the families that will love and take care of them.

There is also a small airline company that started specifically designed to fly animals to different cities in America. The company is based in Delray Beach, Florida and began service July 14th of 2009. No longer confined to the cargo area, pets will travel in their own carriers in a well lighted and safe environment. There are also Pet Attendants who will keep an eye on them during the flight. How cool is that?

So our animals are taking to the airways in a big way. I know if the girls were to fly Addison would be looking at what treats they would be serving on the flight! Maggie would be looking for conversation with everyone and Takla would be looking for comfort!

Happy Trails,

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Celebrity Endorsement

I am not big on running out and buying something just because a celebrity recommended it. As a matter of fact I will be more likely to stay away from it just because they have. There are however those few products that celebrities endorse that actually are good for you! Bottom line is that you need to do the research on your own to see if it is good. Which brings me to two different celebrities and their endorsements.

Working in a natural pet food store over the past few years has made me read labels and actually understand what is in my pets food I am feeding. We get people in the store all the time asking about this food or that food if it's any good etc. Over the past couple months people have been asking about two specifically, Halo Pet Products and Rachel Ray's new line of pet food. Ellen DeGeneres promotes the Halo line of pet products. I have done my research and love the Halo products! Especially animals that have kidney issues do really well with their canned food. Unfortunately I don't think Rachel Ray did as much research on the product content on the items she is endorsing.

I would like to thank and commend Rachel for putting her name on products for pets to help raise awareness of good nutrition for our pets. Nutrition is so important in keeping our pets healthy. The only problem with the pet food she is endorsing is that the the food contains the following ingredients:Corn Meal (no nutritional value: filler), Soybean Meal (no nutritional value: filler), Animal Fat (where is the animal fat rendered from)?(Preserved with Mixed Tocopherols), Corn Gluten Meal (again corn is listed no nutritional value). Corn and grains can be a huge allergen for a lot of dogs or cats.

My hope is that Rachel will have an opportunity to ask questions and do her OWN research about ALL the ingredients in the product that carries her name. Part of the reason our pets are not living as long as they should is due in part to the food we are feeding them. Food with little or no nutritional value. Yes meat is the first ingredient listed but throwing in those other things mentioned above just brought the food down a few notches as far a being a food I would feed my dog or even recommend to anyone. It would be great if Rachael continued to promote the good nutritional value of pet food but she has got to understand what exactly is going into the food before she puts her name on it.

I have been working with pet owners over the past 5 years on good nutrition for their pets so I understand what is good for them and what they really should be avoiding. Everyone should read the book"Food Pets Die For" by Ann Martin. There is a lot of really good information there and her own personal journey to understand why her pets died at such a young age. Take the time and do the research, your pets will be glad you did!

Happy Trails,

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Puff The Magic Dragon

We have lost so many people in the entertainment field this year! I was saddened to hear today that Mary Travers from Peter, Paul and Mary had transitioned. Their music was such a part of my life as I was growing up and I loved all of it. It defined a time in the world when activism through music was popular. Their style of folk music spoke to a generation seeking to be different from the previous generation. It was a time questioning authority, seeking answers within and looking for peace not just at home but globally. Fifty years later their songs are still sung and listened to. Clips of their many hit songs are being played on all the news outlets today. No doubt there will be thousands of You Tube hits for the groups music today.

One of their songs, Puff The Magic Dragon, talks about that innocence lost. Being children we believe in magic, we believe in all those things, as adults, we no longer think possible. Puff and Jackie Paper played and enjoyed those childhood times together until one day Jackie no longer came as he had become an adult who no longer needed Puff. Or so he thought.

There is much to be said about innocence. Everything aways seems new and exciting. To me it keeps you open to the magic of life and to the wonderment that exists around us like when we are children. Who didn't believe in dragons growing up or that toys at night came alive to have their own time together?

Like Puff animals reflect that innocence of life. Watch children or animals who are still in the innocence stage of being. I know for me it brings me back to the reality that each new day is magic and full of possibilities. I know with my dogs it is a day of possibly going for a ride to a new place or meeting new dogs. What possibilities are in your life today? We all still need a Puff the Magic Dragon in or lives. How boring life would be if the possibility of them didn't exist.

May you rest in peace Mary!

Happy Trails,

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Play Date

As I am sitting here thinking about what I would like to write about today I was disrupted by the sound of little paws running down the hallway followed by big paws running down the hallway. It seems Maggie, my Aussie, and Takla, my Lhasa Apso, were having a contest to see who could get to the end of the hall first. With that contest over they then ran into my office and proceeded to play together. Addison, my other Aussie, and I sat and watched as the two of them went round and round in circles. Takla was on her hind legs touching Maggie and as Maggie went in a circle Takla moved with her. It was interesting to watch how gentle Maggie was with her. Maggie if three times the size of Takla and could easily hurt her, but she doesn't. Takla tries to lick her face and Maggie starts the game again of running down the hallway.

They remind me to PLAY! Take the time to just enjoy being that free spirit of childhood. It's sad as adults we often have to plan play dates but the important thing is to just do it. I am guilty of not taking enough time to play so my dogs end up reminding me of what I need to do. So I am reminding you, schedule those play days! It's one of those things that can help keep you sane in this crazy world....

Play time must be over as I have three dogs looking at me for their after play snack!

Happy Trails,

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Energetic Ripple Effect

How have the recent turn of events affected you individually, locally and globally? Do you find you, your friends and family anxious, distracted and agitated by the energy that has been created by our current economic situation? How is your worry or fear about your situation being felt out in the world? Remember for what ever we do or think is always being sent out to the universe and becomes part of the universal collective. It has a ripple effect on all we do and the animals we share Mother Earth with.

It is from this situation that I have noticed and felt the uneasiness of animals during this time too. Over the past several months there have been a lot of news reports about animals attacking people and each other. In almost every news story the people who owned the animals or the people being attacked said it was completely out of character of who the animal really was. So, why would seemingly docile and normally happy pets be reacting in this way? Think about the feeling of where our nation or the world for that matter is as a whole right now? Don’t you think the anxiety we feel transfers over to our pets and all animals who inhabit the planet?

As we know energy is a powerful force to deal with! We also know animals are far more connected to Mother Earth and with their energetic surroundings. We as human beings generally have the ability to block unwanted energy from our space. We can move away from it, not acknowledge it, protect ourselves from or make a conscience effort not to let it affect us. Animals unfortunately do not have that same ability. They are more like energy sponges soaking up all the energy that surrounds them, both good and bad. This includes the animals out in the wild also. Many are feeling the collective negative energy being created by humans all over the world due to economics, war and a host of other issues.

Take a few moments to see how your pets or animals in your area been affected? Do you find that they too are more agitated and full of anxiety these days? This is not a normal behavior for them as it is a human emotion. However because they live with us or share the planet with us they are exposed to the energy being put forth by us on a daily basis. Now if our energy is coming from a much calmer and more positive space our animals will react to that also.

Animals are asking us to get back to that true form of who we are spiritually. Some of us are finding out the hard way we do not need all the things we think we need to live. Animals exist on the planet in the purest form of being minimalists. Some of us on the other hand, live to maximize and take as much as be can from each other and the planet. As recent days and events have come to past we are learning that more is not better, it is in fact possibly far more destructive in more ways than one.

Animals are trying to adjust to this new energy as it seems to become stronger and more prevalent. Each day they show us how we could be living our lives and everyday we push back thinking we know best. Sometimes we do and other times we could certainly be taking cues from them and how they live. Is it utopia? No, but it is certainly one which is more aligned with our true nature. Animals hope we get the message soon as we have a direct effect on the planet we share with them. They are hopeful and look forward to the time when harmony among the species will exist.

Happy Trails,

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Old Wall Telephone

I received this from a friend of mine and thought I would share it with everyone. Please read the whole thing as it has a wonderful message to it.

The Old Wall Telephone

When I was quite young, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood. I remember the polished, old case fastened to the wall.

The shiny receiver hung on the side of the box. I was too little to reach the telephone, but used to listen with fascination when my mother talked to it.

Then I discovered that somewhere inside the wonderful device lived an amazing person. Her name was 'Information Please' and there was nothing she did not know. Information Please could supply anyone's number and the correct time.

My personal experience with the genie-in-a-bottle came one day while my mother was visiting a neighbor. Amusing myself at the tool bench in the basement, I whacked my finger with a hammer, the pain was terrible, but there seemed no point in crying because there was no one home to give sympathy.

I walked around the house sucking my throbbing finger, finally arriving at the stairway. The telephone! Quickly, I ran for the footstool in the parlor and dragged it to the landing. Climbing up, I unhooked the receiver in the parlor and held it to my ear. 'Information please' I said into the mouthpiece just above my head.

A click or two and a small clear voice spoke into my ear. “Information”

'I hurt my finger...' I wailed into the phone, the tears came readily enough now that I had an audience.

'Isn't your mother home?' came the question.

'Nobody's home but me,' I blubbered.

'Are you bleeding?' the voice asked.

'No,' I replied. 'I hit my finger with the hammer and it hurts.'

'Can you open the icebox?' she asked. I said I could.

'Then chip off a little bit of ice and hold it to your finger,' said the voice.

After that, I called 'Information Please' for everything. I asked her for help with my geography, and she told me where Philadelphia was. She helped me with my math.

She told me my pet chipmunk that I had caught in the park just the day before, would eat fruit and nuts.

Then, there was the time Petey, our pet canary, died. I called, 'Information Please,' and told her the sad story. She listened, and then said things grown-ups say to soothe a child. But I was not consoled. I asked her, 'Why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage?'

She must have sensed my deep concern, for she said quietly, 'Wayne, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in.' Somehow I felt better.

Another day I was on the telephone, 'Information Please.'

'Information,' said in the now familiar voice.

'How do I spell fix?' I asked.

All this took place in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. When I was nine years old, we moved across the country to Boston. I missed my friend very much. 'Information Please' belonged in that old wooden box back home and I somehow never thought of trying the shiny new phone that sat on the table in the hall. As I grew into my teens, the memories of those childhood conversations never really left me.

Often, in moments of doubt and perplexity I would recall the serene sense of security I had then. I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy.

A few years later, on my way west to college, my plane put down in Seattle. I had about a half-hour or so between planes. I spent 15 minutes or so on the phone with my sister, who lived there now. Then without thinking what I was doing, I dialed my hometown operator and said, 'Information Please.'

Miraculously, I heard the small, clear voice I knew so well. 'Information.' I hadn't planned this, but I heard myself saying, 'Could you please tell me how to spell fix?'

There was a long pause. Then came the soft spoken answer, 'I guess your finger must have healed by now.'

I laughed, 'So it's really you,' I said. 'I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time?'

'I wonder,' she said, 'if you know how much your calls meant to me.

I never had any children and I used to look forward to your calls.'

I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and I asked if I could call her again when I came back to visit my sister.

'Please do', she said. 'Just ask for Sally.'

Three months later I was back in Seattle.

A different voice answered, 'Information.'

I asked for Sally.

'Are you a friend?' she said.

'Yes, a very old friend,' I answered.

'I'm sorry to have to tell you this,' she said. 'Sally had been working part-time the last few years because she was sick. She died a few weeks ago.'

Before I could hang up she said, 'Wait a minute, is your name Wayne?'

'Yes.' I answered.

'Well, Sally left a message for you. She wrote it down in case you called.

Let me read it to you.'

The note says, 'Tell him there are other worlds to sing in. He'll know what I mean.'

I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant.

Never under estimate the impression you may make on others.

Whose life have you touched today? Why not pass this on? Like I just did....Lifting you on eagle's wings. May you find the joy and peace you long for.

Life is a journey ... NOT a guided tour.

I loved this story. I hope you enjoyed it and get a blessing from it, as I did.

Happy Trails,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I was asked recently about limitations with some of the work I do distance wise. For any of the work I do whether it is animal communication or energy healing work, they both can be done as in person or distance sessions. There is no difference in how the energy is given or received by the person or the animal while doing distance work.

To me animals are a lot easier to work with though as they don't have conversations about whether these modalities really work or not if I am in the same room with them or not. I have clients as far away as Alaska and Japan who I have worked with doing both the communication and the energy healing work.

To animals there are no limits, to some humans, that's all life is, nothing but limitations. Life and the work I do is all about intention, integrity and moving beyond the physical limitations society wants to put on us and even animals at times. I too can sometimes get into my humanness and think I have limitations on things when my animals turn around and give me examples that show me that is simply not true.

Some say the "sky is the limit" with things and I say "there is no limits to what we can do, be or accomplish". The animals and the universe remind us daily that there are no limits, only humans have limits. Once again, thank you to the animals for the reminders!

Happy Trails,

Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Life

A friend of mine was cleaning out her garden yesterday of the plants that had bore it's vegetables and were ceasing to produce anymore for the season. The straw protecting the plants had to be taken out so the soil could be turned over. Fall is such a great time of year for harvesting and getting ourselves ready for the next years planting. As she cleared away the plants she saw movement underneath the straw. She slowly picked up the straw and saw these little black figures squirming around. Not knowing what it might be she called me to come look. It was obviously some kind of animal that had left it's babies there.

I got to the house and put on some gloves and gently removed the straw to reveal a nest of squirrels. We both had different opinions on what it was but after checking on the Internet we found it was in fact 3 week old baby squirrels. Now I have never known squirrels to keep their babies in the ground. I always thought the nests were in trees. But it could be with all the urbanization of things the animals are getting creative as to where they can live, at least temporarily.

I had to look up the meaning of what the squirrel brings. Each animal has it's own "medicine" that it carries with it. Based on Native American lore each animal bore messages when it's path crossed with a human. Squirrel is about gathering or planning ahead. Squirrel teaches us to gather and store our energy for things to come. Squirrel is the "Boy/Girl Scout of the wild", always be prepared. It also brings the message of storing things in safe places so they will be there for you when you need them.

When ever you see an animal three times or more generally there is a message there for you. Now if I see a squirrel, which is abundant here, that doesn't necessarily carry a message for me, however seeing the baby squirrels was something different. The message for my friend rings true with all that is going on with her right now. So let's say I see a blue heron or owl, it is something out of the ordinary and something I need to pay attention to.

It doesn't mean you have to physically see them either. You may receive an email story about a turtles, then you read an article about turtles as you sit in the waiting room of your doctor or you may even see a live turtle trying to cross the road. All of these are signs and messages from spirit you need to pay attention to.

So what animals have come into your life lately? Are there any messages there for you? I am sure there are....how amazing life is if we are awake and paying attention. Have a great holiday weekend!

Happy Trails,

Thursday, September 3, 2009

High Above

I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex that is located near the airport. Day and night the planes fly over head and have become part of the daily sounds of life. I am blessed to have a huge tree in front of our building that is taller than where my apartment is and it is close enough to the building that I feel like we are living in a big tree house. Being this high up also gives me a clear view of the squirrels that live in the tree along with all the birds that frequent it.

In the early morning hours the birds take turns perching on the various branches full of green leaves outside the balcony and sing to welcome in the new day. This morning there was a cool fall like breeze blowing gently through the leaves and there was one little bird, a wren, sitting on one of the branches that was swaying back and forth. After acknowledging him and saying good morning I watched him as he continued to stay on the branch. He rode that branch like it was a ride at a fair. When the branch was still he was quiet, as the branch went from side to side and up and down he chirped loudly with glee. He was having the best time!

One of the squirrels that is building a nest in the tree for the winter scurried up the tree and right past the little bird. The squirrel was on a mission and wasn't going to be deterred by some little bird and as far as the bird went he was having too much fun to move.

I recently watched a movie called "A Peaceful Warrior" inspired by a true story written by Dan Millman. If you haven't seen it go out and watch it! One of the lines in the movie states that "there is never nothing going on". This morning just emphasized that sentiment. There is always something going on! Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it's not going on. I know my girls, in their waking state, see more than I do at times because they live in the now. They see things for what they are.

See things for what they are today. Become the silent observer in life and you will be amazed at all that surrounds you.

Happy Trails,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Blue Butterfly

I wrote this 5 years ago when my Dad passed away in late July. Messages of blue butterflies have surfaced all over the past month, surely a message from him. So I would like to share with you what I wrote back then as a reminder that spirit surrounds us each and every day.

It was the morning after the passing of my Dad and we were all sitting out on the back porch watching the sun come up numb from the night before. The months before his death had been taxing on the whole family, especially my mother and my sister. They had become the main care givers to my father in his final days. We were all physically and emotionally drained. Because I lived out of state I went home every couple of weekends to give everyone a break. The rides back to Maryland were often heartbreaking because I never knew when I was going to get “the call” to come home. I had always hoped to be with him when he decided to transition home.

Dad had been diagnosed with prostate cancer 9 years earlier and had surgery to remove the cancer at that time. After the surgery the doctor said they were unable to get all of it but there were options my father could consider after he recuperated. He opted to not do anything. For him it was probably the best choice. He was one of the strongest men I knew. It wasn’t a physical strength as much as it was an inner strength. My Mother always said it was from his training as a Marine that he was so tough. I think it was more the spirit of the man than the Marine training.

He enjoyed life and was the kind of person that would often do things for other people and not mention it to anyone. We come from a small town in upstate New York and a lot of old fashioned values are still in place. It is a place where neighbors still helped neighbors. It wasn’t until his funeral that we, as his family, realized just how many peoples’ lives he touched. Hundreds of people were there, more than the average number of people who showed up for a funeral in this small town. They were all sharing their stories with my Mom and our family about things my father had done for them and how much his acts of kindness meant to them.

The last two years of his life he was in more pain than he had let on. He was slowing down more, becoming more forgetful and cranky. Being a stubborn German he refused to go back to the doctor until the pain was unbearable. Finally when he could no longer deal with the pain he and my mother went to the doctor. It was decided that they would opt for chemo treatment to see if they could get the spreading cancer under control. A few months later they returned to the doctor after several treatments only to find out he had stage four cancer and there was nothing else they could do for him. He was immediately put on hospice.

In his mind he was always going to beat it. It wasn’t until two weeks before he passed with tears in his eyes that he told my Mom he was done and he knew he wasn’t going to win this battle. They both held each other and cried. They had been married for almost 50 years and life as they both knew it would soon never be the same. He wasn’t a religious man or even a spiritual man, but he did have faith right up until the end. We were raised Catholic and when push came to shove I know he prayed and held onto his faith to get him through.

I got “the call” from my brother early on that Wednesday morning that I needed to come home. It felt like that trip was one of the longest drives I had made from Maryland to New York. It was all pretty much a blur as I relived memories of my Dad. I arrived in New York at about 1:30 pm. Because of hospice he was able to stay in the home where he had grown up and where we as children had grown up.

As I approached him I could see he was totally out of it due to the medicine needed to help with the pain. He was covered in bruises and morphine patches. He was so bloated from the steroids he barely looked like the man I knew. My sister held his hand and told him I was there. I leaned over so he could see me. I could see him straining through his film covered eyes to see me. His last words to me were, “I thought you were your sister.” It was the last words he would ever say in this physical world. Because he now had his whole family there he began the final journey home.

The priest from the local church came in shortly after I arrived that afternoon to provide him his last rites. The rest of the evening I sat with him and kept telling him it was O.K. to go home now. My mother, brother and sister had done the same earlier in the day. There was nothing except his will keeping him earth-bound. Twelve hours after I arrived, my Dad passed in the comfort of his home with his family surrounding him. His spirit now rests with the Divine Father and Mother.

As we sat around the glass top patio table drinking coffee early that morning after, there appeared an iridescent blue butterfly fluttering around. He came out of nowhere and came to light beside my arm that was resting on the table top. He was magnificent! I had not seen a butterfly come that close before and just sit there. Even with all the movement and talking going on at the table the butterfly didn’t budge. He stayed for quite a long time. It was as if he had a message to give and wouldn’t leave until his message was given. As I studied him I could feel the presence of my Dad and the feeling that this was his sign to me that he was fine now, the transformation had taken place. It was shortly after that communication to me that the butterfly happily took off. The rest of the week I was home for the funeral and not once did I see the blue butterfly again. Until 1 year later.

The following year I was tuning 50 in August and had asked my Dad for a gift for my birthday, just so that I knew he was still around, even though I knew he was. The day was almost over and I was taking the mail to the mail box outside of work when right in front of me flew the same iridescent colored blue butterfly! I had not seen one in the area before. Tears stared to roll down my cheeks as I realized my Dad had once again sent the blue butterfly as his messenger. I thanked my father for the gift. There was a sense of contentment knowing he was still around and finally at peace.

There would be other signs he showed to other members of the family following the two weeks after he passed. He wreaked havoc in the house by blowing lights out and messing with the plumbing in the kitchen. He also left one of his treasured beer steins in the center of the den for my mother and brother to find. My brother had taken my Mom to get groceries and upon returning they found the stein sitting straight up in the middle of the floor in the den with the top open. All his steins were displayed on shelves that sat high up near the ceiling. If the stein had fallen it surely would have shattered and not have landed upright. To this day they are still looking for a logical answer. I laugh and think to myself, that was Daddy.

For me however the blue butterfly will forever be a message from my Dad, letting me know spirit does live on and we are all connected and continually loved by our loved ones on the other side. We are given presents everyday by spirit. It is in these gifts that we are able to re-member and feel our direct loving connection to source.

Monday, August 31, 2009

A Big Thank You!

A big thank you goes out to Governor Rendell of Pennsylvania! On August 27th Gov Rendell passed H.B. 39 which establishes penalties for dog owners who engage in the following procedures on their own dogs: Cropping, trimming or cutting off an ear; Debarking by cutting or injuring the vocal cords; Docking or cutting off the tail of a dog over five days of age; Surgically birthing a dog; and Removing the dewclaws from a dog over five days of age. Most of these procedures were being done by the people who operate these horrific places called puppy mills. Personally I do not believe in any of these practices but if they must be done then they are required to have them done by a licensed veterinarian. One step at a time.

Unfortunately Pennsylvania has earned the reputation of being the puppy mill capital of the east coast, especially in the county of Lancaster. Last October this same Governor signed laws specifically targeting the puppy mills in his state. PA is not the only state with puppy mills but it is one of the few states that is finally taking a stand against this disgusting business.

Puppy mills are one of my passions in life. I am committed to helping to get the word out about them and getting shut them down. If you don't know what a puppy mill is or even if you do visit a few of these web sites to see where these "cute little puppies" are coming from.
http://stoppuppymills.org/ or www.puppymillrescue.com or www.prisonersofgreed.org. On You Tube you can watch an undercover video of a dog auction. These are mill dogs that are bought and sold like livestock.

Now I don't write about the puppy mills and tell people to educate themselves about them to depress them because bottom line is this suffering goes on day in and day out whether you acknowledge it or not. They exist every day until they either die or are given over to rescue to be put back together. Yes it is hard stuff to watch but it just may move you to donate to this cause that is very close to my heart. There is a great quote by Gandhi that says, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by how they treat their animals." So how are we doing as a nation, as a state, as a community? We're getting there, we're getting there....

Happy Trails,

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Messages in Blue

Over the past few weeks I have been receiving all sorts of messages in different ways about blue butterflies. Both blue butterflies and blue birds have a great significance for me as they are both related to my Dad who passed away 5 years ago this past July. Blue birds were my Dad's favorite birds. Living in upstate New York they were one of the first signs that spring was almost here when they would arrive to reclaim their house from the previous year. Dad had built blue bird houses for all of us kids and for a few other folks that appreciated the birds.

Birds always seem to hold great enjoyment for all of our family. I remember growing up and my Mom having her Peterson's Guide to Birds book always laying out in the kitchen. Especially during the winter months together we watch as the birds would gather at the feeders we had in the back yard. We would check off each bird we could identify and then put the date down that we saw it. I think we gave up writing the dates for the Cardinals and Blue Jays as they were so plentiful. We actually marked off a lot of birds spotted over the years.

I love the birds and all that they represent, but now the blue bird holds even more of a meaning to me. That last spring that my Dad was so sick from the cancer that riddled his body he still made a point to go sit out on the back porch so he could watch the blue birds going back and forth building the nest in the special bird houses he had made just for them. It was a stuggle for him to move about and get settled but this was his love. He waited patiently over the next few weeks until you could hear the babies squawking and calling out for food. Eventually they would pop their little furry blue heads out of the small wooden hole in the bird house and cry for more worms which Mom and Dad would come flying back to the house with. After the last baby was pushed out and on it's way he would always be a little sad becasue it would be a whole other year before they came back to nest again. The blue birds hung around that year a little longer and I swear they did it for my Dad. With his passing in July my Mom had his beloved blue birds put on his head stone in color. I don't think there is a more fitting way to remember my Dad than with his blue birds.

This past month the messages that my Dad is still around abounds. I have received several messages from a friend of mine and also through people talking about blue birds, or receiving messages via emails that might have a blue bird picture with it, or just opening up a magazine and that is the first thing that pops out is the blue birds.

Blue bitterflies also hold a similar meaning for me but that is a story for the next writing. My girls are hauling me off to bed and tonight they want me to read hem a story. So it is off I go....

Happy Trails,

Monday, August 24, 2009

What an incredible day! The clouds are gone and the sun is shinning brightly. The air is cool and dry with a slight breeze. It is as if you can breathe again. The summers here in Maryland can be long, hot and humid. We have been fortunate this year however, there have been no days over 100 degrees. For that I am grateful and so are the girls! As you can imagine summer is not their favorite time of year. The past week had been that muggy wet air that makes you feel like a sponge when you stepped outside. Today is just stunning!

I know the animals are enjoying the weather too. When the girls and I did our morning walk the birds were singing louder than usual and the squirrels were running with a little more energy than normal. While out on our walk I got to thinking about how we measure the time in our lives. In celebrating my birthday today I reflected back on all that I had been through the past year and years of my life. It has been an interesting journey to say the least. Through all of this my girls have been by my side. We have all been through so much together over the years. Some years have been great and others not so much, but through it all they have gone along for the ride.

Birthdays are a time of celebrating us for who we are and marking that passage of time. Our pets are no different. I know many of us have birthday parties or celebrations for our beloved pets. We celebrate them for who they are and what they bring to our lives. Their time with us is always so short. There is a great quote by Irving Townsend that says “We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan.” How true! I can't imagine my life with out my pets or without an animal in it.

So celebrate them today and everyday as we all are just visitors here on Mother Earth for a brief moment in time. I have my birthday cake and the girls will have theirs on this day too as we all just enjoy the sweetness of life and all the cakes and cookies it has to offer!

Happy Trails,

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Purposeful Life

What is a life without purpose? The word purpose is defined in the dictionary as the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. We all seek our purpose here on Mother Earth. We all exist for a reason. Each and everything ever created has a purpose. Whether it is a plant, insect, animal, crystal, rock, air, water or even humans, were all created with purpose. It is by lifting those veils away that we are able to see our true reason for being here. When we find our passion we find our purpose.

Some are destined to do what others consider "great things" with their lives for the betterment of all. Others may be here to work in a more limited yet just as important reason. Some find their life's work early on and some of us find it much later in life. I remember years ago (1984 to be exact) when a woman named Clara Peller did the Wendy's commercial and was made famous by saying "Where's the beef"? At the age of 82 Clara became a cult figure by starring in the commercials. Not that this was Clara's passion in life but it is an example as to never giving up on life and what it may have to offer you. Clara's appearance in the commercial boosted Wendy's sales 35% in less than a year. Now that is having an affect on people.

As I said there are others who are here who affect change on a small yet important scale. Now remember I said it can be plant, mineral or animal and being who I am I'm talking about the animal aspect. Animals have purpose to, all animals, cats, dogs, horses, iguana's, elephants, etc. It comes in all different ways like people. There are the animals who bring us light and laughter, there are ones who find purpose in doing what they were bred like the herding dogs or hunting dogs. The ones I want to talk about are the healer animals. Again they can literally be any animal on the planet. These are very special beings who help us as humans heal. They help us see the true healing in unconditional love.

What is your animal's purpose? It can be in your life or in others. I have had the privilege of meeting and actually living with one of these healer animals. They are different on all levels. Their light shines bright as they know their true purpose for being here. Yes I do believe they know their purpose and their passion. How many times have you heard a caretaker of one of these healer animals say, "They just love doing their therapy work, they light up every time we visit the seniors at the senior center"! It is in their purpose that they heal others.

Look at all that animals with purpose do for us, they are all around us if we just look. If your animal doesn't have a purpose then help them find it. I have had many an animal tell me they have a purpose but they are having a hard time getting their caretaker to recognize it. A lot of times when we come to the realization of what it is and the caretaker understands what it is things shift within the household. It can be as simple as you are to greet people in a friendly manner when they come into our home. Think of it, almost every time you meet someone new, what is the first thing they ask? "So what do you do"? The same with animals, they all have a purpose in our lives and in the world. We are more at peace when we know our purpose.

Sometimes it is the animals around us that help us find our passion and in finding the passion we find the peace. I am grateful for all the beings on the planet and for all they bring to life. They helped me find not only my passion but my purpose and myself.

Happy Trails,

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is in your food bowl?

Once again I have to thank my furry children for showing me the way! When I first had my two girls, Addie and Maggie, I started them off on what I thought was really good food, Science Diet. The vet had recommended it and I would say for the first 7 or 8 years of their life they were on nothing but that. They did fine on the food for the longest time.

I then began working at a natural pet food store and began to learn about animal nutrition. I looked at what should and should not be in their food. I found the stuff in Science Diet really wasn't giving them the nutrition they needed so I switched to a higher quality dry food. I did one of the Grain free kibbles that is out there. They did really good on the food and as I continued to learn more and more I continued to upgrade their food until I began feeding nothing but a canned and raw diet. I can't tell you what a difference it has made for them. Now would I feed all raw if I could, yes, but it can be a little expensive for those on a limited budget that is why I split between the two. If you were too look at my girls they do not look their age.

Which brings me to what I learned. In doing the research about the nutritional affects on the mind and body of animals I took a look at what I was feeding myself. I began reading labels like I read the labels on the canned and raw foods I was feeding the girls. I was floored to see some of the same really bad ingredients that are often found in the lower brand pet foods were in mine.

Some yummy things like BHT - Butylated Hydroxytoluene - a crystalline phenolic antioxidant, C15H24O, used to preserve fats and oils, especially in foods. Banned from human use in many countries but still permitted in the US. A possible human carcinogen, apparently carcinogenic in animal experiments also. The oxidative characteristics and/or metabolites of BHA and BHT may contribute to carcinogenicity or tumorigenicity. (Cancer)

BHA - Butylated Hydroxysanisole - a white, waxy phenolic antioxidant, C11H16O2, used to preserve fats and oils, especially in foods. It is banned from human use in many countries but still permitted in the US. A possible human carcinogen, apparently carcinogenic in animal experiments also. The oxidative characteristics and/or metabolites of BHA and BHT may contribute to carcinogenicity or tumorigenicity. (Cancer)

And my personal favorite Propylene Glycol. It is a colorless viscous hygroscopic liquid used in antifreeze solutions, in hydraulic fluids, and as a solvent. It is used as humectant in semi-moist kibble to keep it from drying out. Probably tastes good too!

I continue to thank my babies everyday for making me a better person in spite of myself. I hope they never stop teaching and I hope I never stop learning from them and all the animals of the animal kingdom.

Happy Trails,

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Energy of Things

Happy Morning to all animal lovers out there! I talk often a lot about energy when I talk about animals. The two just go together. It's kind of like peas and carrots or chocolate and peanut butter, they go together. After all that's all we are and that is all they are. Energy packed in a body.

We are surrounded by all kinds of energies every day. Some good some not so good. We live in a very chaotic world these days and animals on a whole are really feeling it. Just like us some of them are having a harder time with it than other. The more sensitive ones are really having a tough go of it since they are easily affected by the energy they are living in. It seems like every week we are hearing more and more about animals attacking people or villages. They are having a hard time with the energy. Look at the people you are around everyday. Are tempers getting shorter? Is there more road rage than ever? It's all about the energy.

Animals are energy sponges. They do not have the shut off switches like we do. We can walk away or get away from energy that is negative or destructive. Animals can't. They are connected. They are connected to Mother Earth and to us. How well do you think animals would do if humans were not on the planet? I think just fine. Now what if they were not here. Somehow I think we would probably cease to exist. So we are all one when it comes to the energy that is being put out there.

So where is your energy going right now. I think of it in this context. I have a very huge issue with puppy mills. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania is one of the largest areas that supports puppy mills. Now I could throw a whole lot of negative energy that way, rant and rave about how bad they really are but what in fact would that really be doing? If I however come from a more positive aspect I can not only help to effect a change but it would all be done in a way as to not add more fuel to an already horrific event.

If there is something negative you want to change let's all try and do it in a positive way, one that is more loving and caring for both us and the animals we share the planet with. Animals have such great hope for us. Let's help be the positive change for them by shifting our energies.

Happy Tails,

Monday, August 17, 2009

Good Things from Bad Things

Good things do come from bad things. We may not be able to see it all the time, especially when bad things happen and that's all we focus on, but the good does eventually come. There are several examples of this with the Michael Vick dog fighting ring on the top of everyone's list these days. Passion runs high on the subject of animals and because people know how much I love animals they ask me where I stand on it.

Personally I think Michael Vick should play in the NFL again. What he did was a felony offense. To me it is also a moral offense. However, he paid his debt to society, now he has to pay his debt to the animal kingdom. He did a lot of damage not only to these poor animals but also to himself. I don't feel bad for him because he created this environment and funded it to take place. I do feel bad for the animals that went through what they went through though.

Michael Vick brought the horrible world of dog fighting to the national and international arena. Many folks who deal with animals in rescues, shelters, police or even veterinarians that had treated fight dogs knew about dog fighting rings on a local level but now it is known on a much grander scale. It was common knowledge that drug dealers had been known to have dog fighting rings as another way to get money. I think there was even a magazine at one time that was all about dog fighting. With revealing the truth about the dog fighting also came the revelations about cock fights and even a canary fighting ring.

So now Michael has the opportunity to really do a lot of good here, that is if he really gets it about what he has done. I have yet to see what I consider true emotion from him. Maybe it is true that he came to peace with what he has done and is now ready to help young kids realize this is no way to treat animals. I hope he succeeds in his new mission because if he succeeds then so do the animals. So we will see.

Happy Trails,

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Clocks are off!

I had the pleasure of throwing my clocks off today! I got up at 5 am to get things together to go teach a class at the Harford County Community College on Canine Massage. They are all looking at me like "Why are we up now"? So cute!

I spoke at one of the local pet stores in Bel Air last night, Baron's K9 Country Store. It was the monthly Wine and Kibble night there. It was great as there were about 25 or 30 folks there to listen about the topic of Animal Communication and animal wellness. It was interesting to watch the dogs as they sat there an listened with their people companions. The dogs were all talking among themselves as the people there listened intently. It was good to see old friends again and to make new ones. A lot folks signed up for the next Animal Communication Workshop I am having. Check out my website www.spiritpaws.com if you too would like to learn how to communicate with your pet.

Gotta go get the "snoozing" clocks out of bed!

Happy Trails,

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Best Job!

I have what I consider, the best job in the whole world! Being an Animal Communicator and dealing with the health and well being of animals and their caretakers, I just love my job. Actually to call it a "job" isn't really fair because it is my passion. I know it is what I am here to do. I love animals, all animals, because of who they are and what they teach us. When I am around animals I feel very much at home and at peace.

Addison is pictured here and she is my very young 12 year old Aussie! She said to me as I was thinking about what to write about today that she had the best job in the world. I asked her what that was, even though I already knew, basically she said to she was here to sample all the food that comes into the house. She is the food connoisseur for all of us here and that it is very important that I take her job seriously. Her job is to sample, at least once, everything I bring home, just to make sure it is edible. There is no 5 second rule here either on food. If it hits the floor it's Addison's. The other dogs two have long given up trying to go after anything that has been dropped. As Addison stared at me with those big sparkly eyes she also wanted me to know that I really needed to give up on that "diet food plan" as the food was not as tasty as usual. I had to laugh and agree with her in one sense, but I explained it was for a reason I brought those foods home with me.

I told her I really appreciated the fact that she was the "food police" and that I would try to make a couple better food selections this week just for her. With that conversation ended she curled up in front of the fan to go back to dreaming about the next meal. I swear she thinks about food every minute of everyday, that is how passionate she is about her job. And as you can tell from the photo she is far from a starving dog, she does take her job seriously.

But she did get me thinking about how much do we as humans really love and focus on our passions in life. For her I can tell you it is 24/7. I can picture her as Julia Childs in fur conjuring up and cooking all these wonderful and delicious meals. She would don the apron and chef's hat and just go to town with new creations everyday. She eats, lives and breathes her passion every minute of everyday.
I think I do too for the most part. There are those times when I would love to have the focus she does with her purpose in life. There are times when the human side, the side that begins to think too much, that I can get distracted from just being in the moment and being in the passion of my life. That is where my girls help to bring me back to the reality of why I am here. There is much comfort in the fact that I know and feel that passion and let it fill my heart.

What is your pet's passion? How close is it to yours? For me Addison and I share a great love of food. I understand her passion that is why I need to go fix something for the two of us to enjoy as our day begins to come to a close. Don't worry the other two are not left out, it is just that they don't get it about food like Addie and I do.

Happy Trails,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Healing Energy

I would like to talk a little bit about he benefits of energy work for our animal companions. Most people are familiar with the term Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. These principles apply to both us and our animal companions. Healing Touch for Animals is a wonderful modality I have added to my practice. After almost two years of classes I became a certified Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner. In working with traditional veterinary care and HTA techniques, many animals have recovered quicker from ailments, injuries, behavioral issues and have improved their overall well being. All energy work is based in science. There is an actual physiological response to the energy work.

All animals and people benefit from having energetic work done on them. I know the last foster I had in my care benefited greatly from HTA. She was a puppy mill dog from Lancaster, PA. She spent 7 years in a crate pumping puppies out. She was so traumatized she shook at the drop of a piece of paper. She didn’t know what the inside of a house was so she always hid in the nearest corner of a room. It was through providing her with a loving home, a good diet, massage and energy work that she became about 80% dog in 9 months. She even became adoptable! She was appreciative after every session.

When looking for alternative ways to deal with behavior issues or health issues with our animal companions consider energy work as a compliment to current treatments. I often suggest to my clients that they themselves experience an energy session just to see what it is their animal will feel. Generally once they go the first time they go back again. We are surrounded by energy every day, some good and some not so good. We then bring that energy home to our pets and because they are energy sponges they soak up it up from us.

I can say that 80% of the animals I see also share the same disease or neurosis as their owner. Be aware of the energy you bring into your home. I know if I come home in a chaotic state it is not too long after that that my dogs begin to react to that energy and get all hyped out. On the other hand when I meditate I put on soothing music and relax. Within 5 minutes of the music starting my dogs are conked out at my feet, calm and relaxed.

Do you have a pet that would benefit from energy work? I always encourage people to look for alternative ways to help keep their pets healthy and well. If you have any questions about HTA and what it may be able to do for your pet please email me at sherry@spiritpaws.com.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bubba the Fish

I must tell you about this most amazing fish named Bubba. I originally got Bubba when he was just a baby Oscar fish. I had him in a tank with a couple other fish that he apparently got along with. Oscars for the most part are hunter fish and pretty much kill what ever lives in the tank with them. There are a few fish they can coexist with and I guess I had the right ones. It was interesting to see Bubba grow and form his own personality. Yes fish have personality! Unfortunately most of the fish in the tank with him were a lot older and they ended up passing away one by one until Bubba had the tank all to himself. It was probably a good thing as Bubba now took up most of the tank.

The tank was situated in one of the other rooms but still in a place where he could see me while watching TV in another room. When I say he had personality I mean it! I can tell you he was like "Messy Marvin" in the fact that he didn't like anything neat and orderly in his tank. Every once and a while I had to clean the tank out and get it all sparkling clean, I would set his little plants back upright and the little lighthouse fixture I had in his tank. It never failed about an hour after I had all that done and had gently placed him back in the water he would immediately go to town knocking things over and pulling the plants from their upright rooted position. He wasn't happy unless things were wildly strewn all over the tank.

Thre were nights when he wanted my attention and made that fact known by thrashing about the tank and knocking the floating thermometer up against the side of the glass. The knocking would be so loud and constant he wouldn't stop until I got up and went over to the tank. Many nights we just sat there and communicated. He was an interesting character. He really liked the ladies and when ever one of my girlfriends would come into the house he would splash around to get their attention. He was such a ladies man!

There came a point where he was just getting too big for his tank and so I had to find another home for him. A woman I knew had a huge 8 foot tank and agreed to take him. I explained to him he was going to a place where he could see lots of ladies all the time! He was very excited about that and was looking forward to the new digs! A few months after he was moved and I went to see him. He was in great spirits and was very happy to see me. I also noted that he kept his new tank just as messy as the old one. I haven't been back to check up on him in a while. Something tells me wherever he is he is with the ladies.

So I am here to tell you fish do have personality! A very good friend of mine has a beautiful Koi pond. Each and every one of the fish have names and very different personalities. They each respond to her differently. She is learning to listen to them and understand the messages they bring to her. It is awesome to watch.

I have a new tank now and two new fish, Amos and Andy. They are Black Moors and they each have different personalities. Amos is much more of the go getter and Andy is more refined and laid back. So you see everything can communicate with us if we take the time to be quiet and listen. Heck, have you ever seen a cat in front of a fish bowl? You may think the cat wants to eat the fish, and I am sure some do, but there is a communication that happens between them. I am sure there is a communication between the animals in your home. As I am told quite often in my home, Sssshhhhhhhh, listen, do you hear it? "It's cookie time"! Gotta go!

Happy Trails,

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Teaching the Teacher

All of us are teachers in one way or another. Whether we formally went to school to teach others or have learned some of life’s lessons and have passed them on to others. Every day we teach someone new something they may not have thought about or even imagined. Every day I try to share with others about animals and who they are. It can be talking about the importance of good nutrition, the different holistic healing modalities available to animals or helping someone realize their animal companion actually has language all their own that they can learn.

It is in looking at them a little differently that we can begin to see the teachings and lessons they bring to our lives. They are our teachers in fur. In learning more about them and making a deeper connection with them we are actually connecting to something much deeper in ourselves. It is that connection to the universe. Many times our animal companions are the only true connection we feel in life. We may feel disconnected from ourselves, our friends, our family or world as a whole. Our only connection may be to our animal companion. They keep our hearts open to love.

Animals teach us in unconditional ways and in unconventional ways. Whether it is the goofy dog who is here to be the clown and lighten us up or it is the cat that sits and encourages us to be meditative with them to find that inner peace. They are unique beings unto themselves. They can encourage us to live in the moment and connect with nature. There are also those animals that have come from horrific backgrounds that are still here and teaching us how to take baby steps and have patience with not only them but ourselves.

I have become a teacher because of the animals in my life just as many of you have. Let them continue to teach you as you will and do teaching others who they are. I can tell you the animals are grateful and if you don’t believe me ask your animal companion.

There are several variations on this but one of my favorite quotes is, “Lord, let me be the person my dog thinks I am”. As I sit here and look at my dogs now I thank them for making me a better person and for continuing to have patience with me as I sit in their classroom, the classroom of life.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Spirit of Things

Say the word spirit and a whole host of images probably come to mind. For me the image is the spirit or energy of beings or things that come up. We often comment about the human spirit or the spirit of an animal. How many have you heard a persons comment on a specific animal as being very "spirited" or having a "strong spirit"? Take a look at the animals who you live with and consider what kind of spirit they have. Are they mischievous or serious? Are they stubborn or one that goes with the flow? Or are they just like you in many ways and if they are how do they reflect back who you are.

My three girls are each a reflection of me. Addison is my fat and happy homebody, she is most content when she has a full stomach and can just stay home and sleep. Maggie is my intuitive. She is sensitive to others feelings whether it is a person or another animal. She is beginning to get the dreaded "silver eyes" and yet as that is happening her other senses are heightening. Maggie loves to be out and about, connecting with people and enjoys the freedom of being outdoors. When I worked at my friend Stacy's pet store in Bel Air Maggie would accompany me to work and to say she was in her element is an understatement! She was allowed to help greet the people as they came and went from the store. Stacy's dog's Sunny and Drake are there at the store everyday and Maggie gave them a break from their duties when she was there. There were no "leash" rules when we were there. She was free to go in and out as she pleased. Now my third dog is fairly new to me so I am still seeing where she fits in. My one friend just calls her the "princess" although I don't totally agree with that there is some truth there. Takla is the youngest and most active of the three. She too prefers to stay home. Being a little dog she thinks she is really a big dog and will pretty much mouth off to anybody no matter what the size. Maybe that is the connection. She voices her opinion, even against the big guys.

Three different dogs and three different spirits within each body. I have seen all types of spirits within animals. There are the "broken" spirits also. They break my heart but their spirit still lives deep within. These are the puppy mill dogs. I have had several in my life, they came to me through foster care. They may have had their spirit broken but love, nurturing and a whole lot of patience helped them reclaim their spirit and live fairly normal lives.

Honor those individual spirits you have living with you. You each chose to be in each others lives. In understanding who they are we get a better insight as to who we are.

Happy Trails!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Power of Oneness

There is a certain power of oneness, whether it is with animals, nature or the universe. Our animals have the ability to show us that everyday if we pay attention. I am moved by those animals and their caretakers who move and understand each other as one. They are in perfect harmony and communication with each other. There is something fluid about the relationship. You see and hear stories of it all the time.

There was the You Tube video not too long ago that made its rounds on the Internet about Christian the Lion and his reunion with his two caretakers early on in his life. His caretakers Ace and John adopted him from Harrods department store when he was a baby back in 1969. He was living in a cramped cage in the store. After a year he grew too big and was released into the wild. A year later Ace and John went back to see if they could find Christian again. They were told he had his own pride now and that he was completely wild and he probably would not remember them. They went anyway. You see the in the video the instant recognition from Christian to his two original caretakers. That is oneness with animals. Go to You Tube and look for the video that reads "Christian The Lion Full Reunion Ending HQ". It is one of the better ones on there. Also the music is Whitney Houston's "I will Always Love You". The clear
communication between the three of them is clear, the love is still there.

Another example of a relationship of oneness is with Stacy Westfall and her horse Baby Doll. I have the link posted on this blog but the first one doesn't have audio so go to the next one down or even the third on to watch it. Stacy rides bareback and her and her horse work in perfect unison to create a beautiful dance together, they dance together as one. Of course it doesn't hurt that the music they are playing is "Live Like You Were Dying"...very moving! Anyone who knows anything about horses or who experienced them know the connection between horse and rider are important but this relationship goes far deeper than that with the two of them.

Even if your story doesn't make it to You Tube there is a oneness you and your animal companion have created. People often honor that relationship by doing something special or creating something from their lives they never would have thought about creating. Look at all the folks that have started store's, rescues, shelter's, lines of clothing or food lines named after their pet. They help keep us connected to life and the world around us.

In keeping with that line of thought I am heading out in the rain with my dogs to connect with Mother Nature!

Happy Trails,