Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Life

A friend of mine was cleaning out her garden yesterday of the plants that had bore it's vegetables and were ceasing to produce anymore for the season. The straw protecting the plants had to be taken out so the soil could be turned over. Fall is such a great time of year for harvesting and getting ourselves ready for the next years planting. As she cleared away the plants she saw movement underneath the straw. She slowly picked up the straw and saw these little black figures squirming around. Not knowing what it might be she called me to come look. It was obviously some kind of animal that had left it's babies there.

I got to the house and put on some gloves and gently removed the straw to reveal a nest of squirrels. We both had different opinions on what it was but after checking on the Internet we found it was in fact 3 week old baby squirrels. Now I have never known squirrels to keep their babies in the ground. I always thought the nests were in trees. But it could be with all the urbanization of things the animals are getting creative as to where they can live, at least temporarily.

I had to look up the meaning of what the squirrel brings. Each animal has it's own "medicine" that it carries with it. Based on Native American lore each animal bore messages when it's path crossed with a human. Squirrel is about gathering or planning ahead. Squirrel teaches us to gather and store our energy for things to come. Squirrel is the "Boy/Girl Scout of the wild", always be prepared. It also brings the message of storing things in safe places so they will be there for you when you need them.

When ever you see an animal three times or more generally there is a message there for you. Now if I see a squirrel, which is abundant here, that doesn't necessarily carry a message for me, however seeing the baby squirrels was something different. The message for my friend rings true with all that is going on with her right now. So let's say I see a blue heron or owl, it is something out of the ordinary and something I need to pay attention to.

It doesn't mean you have to physically see them either. You may receive an email story about a turtles, then you read an article about turtles as you sit in the waiting room of your doctor or you may even see a live turtle trying to cross the road. All of these are signs and messages from spirit you need to pay attention to.

So what animals have come into your life lately? Are there any messages there for you? I am sure there amazing life is if we are awake and paying attention. Have a great holiday weekend!

Happy Trails,

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