Monday, August 17, 2009

Good Things from Bad Things

Good things do come from bad things. We may not be able to see it all the time, especially when bad things happen and that's all we focus on, but the good does eventually come. There are several examples of this with the Michael Vick dog fighting ring on the top of everyone's list these days. Passion runs high on the subject of animals and because people know how much I love animals they ask me where I stand on it.

Personally I think Michael Vick should play in the NFL again. What he did was a felony offense. To me it is also a moral offense. However, he paid his debt to society, now he has to pay his debt to the animal kingdom. He did a lot of damage not only to these poor animals but also to himself. I don't feel bad for him because he created this environment and funded it to take place. I do feel bad for the animals that went through what they went through though.

Michael Vick brought the horrible world of dog fighting to the national and international arena. Many folks who deal with animals in rescues, shelters, police or even veterinarians that had treated fight dogs knew about dog fighting rings on a local level but now it is known on a much grander scale. It was common knowledge that drug dealers had been known to have dog fighting rings as another way to get money. I think there was even a magazine at one time that was all about dog fighting. With revealing the truth about the dog fighting also came the revelations about cock fights and even a canary fighting ring.

So now Michael has the opportunity to really do a lot of good here, that is if he really gets it about what he has done. I have yet to see what I consider true emotion from him. Maybe it is true that he came to peace with what he has done and is now ready to help young kids realize this is no way to treat animals. I hope he succeeds in his new mission because if he succeeds then so do the animals. So we will see.

Happy Trails,

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