Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Power of Oneness

There is a certain power of oneness, whether it is with animals, nature or the universe. Our animals have the ability to show us that everyday if we pay attention. I am moved by those animals and their caretakers who move and understand each other as one. They are in perfect harmony and communication with each other. There is something fluid about the relationship. You see and hear stories of it all the time.

There was the You Tube video not too long ago that made its rounds on the Internet about Christian the Lion and his reunion with his two caretakers early on in his life. His caretakers Ace and John adopted him from Harrods department store when he was a baby back in 1969. He was living in a cramped cage in the store. After a year he grew too big and was released into the wild. A year later Ace and John went back to see if they could find Christian again. They were told he had his own pride now and that he was completely wild and he probably would not remember them. They went anyway. You see the in the video the instant recognition from Christian to his two original caretakers. That is oneness with animals. Go to You Tube and look for the video that reads "Christian The Lion Full Reunion Ending HQ". It is one of the better ones on there. Also the music is Whitney Houston's "I will Always Love You". The clear
communication between the three of them is clear, the love is still there.

Another example of a relationship of oneness is with Stacy Westfall and her horse Baby Doll. I have the link posted on this blog but the first one doesn't have audio so go to the next one down or even the third on to watch it. Stacy rides bareback and her and her horse work in perfect unison to create a beautiful dance together, they dance together as one. Of course it doesn't hurt that the music they are playing is "Live Like You Were Dying"...very moving! Anyone who knows anything about horses or who experienced them know the connection between horse and rider are important but this relationship goes far deeper than that with the two of them.

Even if your story doesn't make it to You Tube there is a oneness you and your animal companion have created. People often honor that relationship by doing something special or creating something from their lives they never would have thought about creating. Look at all the folks that have started store's, rescues, shelter's, lines of clothing or food lines named after their pet. They help keep us connected to life and the world around us.

In keeping with that line of thought I am heading out in the rain with my dogs to connect with Mother Nature!

Happy Trails,

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